My family is kind of obsessed with cleanliness. Well, I am obsessed and therefore insist the rest of my crew fall in line. I’m not so much bothered by dirt and nature germs, but people germs give me serious anxiety. If my kids have been playing outside and I call them in for lunch, I may or may not tell them to wash their hands.
But if we interact with humans outside of our home, I make everyone remove their shoes and clothing to be bleached and boiled, before throwing my Little Wilds in the bathtub. Okay, so maybe I am overstating my germ aversion a smidge…. I don’t throw my kids, but rather assist them gently into the tub.
For years, I bought regular liquid soap from the grocery store. But then I had children and realized it took millennia to completely wash liquid soap (sludge) off their tiny hands while hovering them above the sink. Not to mention store soap was always overly fragrant. Once I had a lady ask me what perfume I was wearing. Like I would willingly douse myself if “gardenia breeze” perfume. But those are always the fragrance options and I thought that was just the way it was??♀️.
Then one day, I was visiting my crunchy sisters-in-law and washed my hands in her kitchen. The soap was in an adorable dispenser, and it smelled amazing. Not overwhelming, but definitely had a warm aroma. I asked her where she got it, and of course she said she made it using her Essential Oils. Then she went on to tell me the cost break down (She is a frugal-crunchy-mama?.) First off, I love foaming hand soap! Especially for little hands, because it can actually be washed off! But if I can save money on an item we blow through, I’m all in! ?
Oh, and it has coconut oil in it so your hands stay moisturized even if you are a compulsive hand washer! ??♀️
There are endless combinations of scents you can do, but my favorite is Lavender and Thieves. I had been buying the original Castile soap, but then I came across Lavender Castile soap! So now instead of using my Lavender EO I just add the Thieves with the same result.
For years we used the smaller 8.5 oz foaming soap dispensers. But I was having to refill them more often than I would like. So I decided to upgrade to pint sized glass jars. I ordered pumps off Amazon to fit and they look so great! The plastic 8.5oz soap dispensers are great for gifts, but for everyday use, we love our pint jar dispensers. Holds double the amount, which means less time refilling.
DIY Foaming Hand Soap with Essential Oils

(For Pint Jars)
- 4 Tbs Castile Soap (I like the Lavender)
- 2 tsp Fractionated Coconut oil (liquid coconut oil)
- 15-20 drops of your favorite essential oil
- Fill the rest of the way with water

Such cute jars.
Could this be used as a foaming face wash?
You can definitely use this as a face wash!! I do!! I add jojoba oil to mine as well 🙂 i make tons of homemade face washes, body washes and more and sell them on my website!! They are a big hit ! 🙂
Can it be used for body wash?
May I ask what the fractionated coconut oil is for?
For moisturizing