The Best Board Books for Kids And Parents

The Best Board Books for Kids And Parents

As we were getting ready for nap time today, I asked my 2-year-old to pick out a few books for us to read together. She came back with some of our usuals and one new book that was truly mind-numbing. Any parent who reads to their kids knows how many truly terrible...
Dear Girl Mom Who Never Learned To French Braid

Dear Girl Mom Who Never Learned To French Braid

Dear girl mom who never learned to French Braid,   Today, I’m going to let you in on a little secret. There may not be as many of “us”, as there are of “them (girl moms who can French braid)”, but it is pretty neck and neck. I’m guessing that many of you are like...
Tips For Hiking With Kids

Tips For Hiking With Kids

For this brief moment, my house is relatively clean and my girls are playing well together. So I wanted to take the opportunity to share some tips for hiking with kids, I would have loved to have had when my kids first started hiking with me. Like any outing with...
Vintage Toys And Games

Vintage Toys And Games

Every time Christmas draws near or a birthday comes around I find myself wanting to buy my children vintage toys and games that I loved when I was a kid. Like a lot of parents, I am sick of the technologically infused world our children are growing up in. I’m sick of...