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This soft and easy homemade play-dough with essential oils is the absolute BEST play-dough ever! And it smells incredible! I have purchased one hundred million tubs of the name brand play-dough and they always end up a dried crumpled mess within the week.

My favorite thing about this recipe is that I actually had all the ingredients in my house?! So there was no planning, we just jumped right in and whipped up a batch for each kid. Because Heaven forbid I force my children to share their play-dough??‍♀️.

Soft and Easy Homemade Play-dough with Essential Oils

Seriously though, this play-dough is so soft and smells so yummy! And it is SUPER quick and EASY to make. Mom and kid friendly!

Soft and Easy Homemade Play-dough with Essential Oils



Mix all ingredients together in medium (2qt) saucepan. Heat over medium-Low heat stirring constantly. Use a spatula to scrape sides and work into a soft dough ball. When the dough ball is the consistency you want remove and let cool on wax paper. Knead once cool and store in an airtight container.

Enjoy ?